Sana Fatima
3 min readDec 18, 2020


On Monday morning I was read through my project work and found the most interesting sessions about career planning, the journey from plan to goal and Just start. Sometimes, my mind sticks on one phrase and keeps ringing this same happen to “JUST Start”. If we look back and connect our dot we’ll realize that at every 1st step it always seem like climbing a mountain with thunders. But in the end, we climbed with satisfactory heart and mind.

“It always seems impossible until it’s done”- Nelson Mandela

The next morning I take a cup of tea and try to identify my GOALS which must be aligned with my Why statement of purpose map. But the very first time in life I made my Goals Smart. My First goal is about skill development which is:

I want to attend online Virtual Assistance course from enables video series by March 2021 in order to become financial independent. I’ll attend 2 sessions in a week.

At this moment I understand that always I try to achieve too many goals at the same time without proper planning and focusing on my interest which increases frustration. Additionally, I was not accountable to anyone so procrastinate as usual but now I am to myself. When we start thinking in this way we start to give value our work.I learned it from this task because it’s better to start either you pass it or not, it doesn’t matter .but one thing that always matters is

“Do it now or regret it later”

It’s hard to bear the pain of regret so I need to be proactive towards the accomplishment of work.If I talk about the experience it was incredible as I complete my 1st session yesterday. In this session, Saqib Azhar talks about eCommerce potential and its future in Pakistan. The most interesting thing which I found is the collaboration with the Qasim Ali shah foundation which is really significant for Morale and helps to understand the worth of your work & time.

So, This time I didn’t face many challenges as I was sure about my goal and I made a strategy for it.After attempting the first task towards my goal I learned the most valuable thing which is

“ Respect your path towards, which comprises of commitment, positive attitude, respect the mentors, praise others Contribution, and don’t hesitate to work.

Take away from this activity is to complete my course before the deadline by following strategies are my next steps, which include making organized notes, take sessions at a time, practically apply these skills, and constantly engage myself at social media platforms to learn more from experts.



Sana Fatima

trying to express my perspective to the world